10 gallon – week 10 update
What a difference pressurized CO2 makes. Another week gone by and the plants have been taking full advantage of the pressurized CO2. I’m sure the only thing holding them back now is my inconsistent fertilization dosing. But despite my laziness, they are still thriving and growing well, showing their beautiful colors when before it was simply just green. Just take a look at the two pictures below. The first picture shows the tank prior to pressurized CO2 and the second shows it after. Remarkable, isn’t it?
This week, I had to do quite a bit more trimming this week as the rotalla had gone a little crazy and shot up to the surface rather quickly. Eventually, I may try to sell some of my clippings but right now, I want to make sure the plants get much healthier first. The dwarf hairgrass has also recovered. Especially on the right side where a bit of algae had started attacking it. It’s coming back with a vengeance though and the grass that was being attacked is slowly dying off and being replaced by fresh, new growth.
The rejuvenation of this 10 gallon tank has been really fun. However, since there isn’t a whole lot of change week to week, I’ll probably decrease the amount of updates to a monthly post rather than a weekly post. Hopefully, in the next update, I’ll have some new changes to talk about. Most notably, a new background to give the plants even more pop visually. For now, the plants will continue getting healthier and the fish will surely enjoy the extra scenery to swim around. Until next time…